
Week 1 // DAY 1


3 Sets
1:00 Machine of choice
5/side Squat + Sky reach
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
5 Hip Muscle Snatch
5 Drop Squats

Skill / Technique

A. Hang Muscle Snatch - 2 reps EMOM x 5
**light-moderate load. Start with empty bar and only build if technique is sound.
B. Pause Tall Snatch Pull under - 3 reps every :90 x 4 sets @ empty bar or very light load
*Pause for 2 seconds in bottom of squat on each rep
**Focus on initiating with the shoulder shrug. Bar should reach sternum before the legs move

Total Time: 12-16 minutes

**Attached Video:
Coaching Cues - Tall Pull Unders - https://youtu.be/PtNwEQSruvg

STrength / Accessory

C. High Hang Hip Snatch - 3 reps every 2:00 x 6 sets @ moderate load
**Use the cues from above for muscle snatch and tall snatch - combining them into one movement
D. Snatch Balance - 2 reps EMOM x 8 @ moderate load
*Focus on speed and stability in the bottom position. If needed add a 1-2 second pause in the bottom of the squat to ensure good positions

Total Time: 20-25 minutes


Skill Notes:
- We are starting with the muscle snatch to reinforce a strong turnover in the snatch.
- Focus on members keeping a straight bar path on each rep.
- The tall snatch pull unders are designed to help teach members how to keep a strong connection to the bar during the turnover.
- See the attached video for a further breakdown on the drill.

Strength Notes:
- The goal of the high hang squat snatch is to combine the cues used during the muscle snatch and the pull under.
- Keep the focus on a strong turnover as well as keeping connection to the bar while moving into the squat.
- The snatch balance will allow members to build further speed under the bar and comfort in the OHS position

week 1 // DAY 2


2 sets:
:30/side PVC Front Rack Stretch
:20/side Groiner Stretch
5/side Cossack Squat
5 PVC Tempo Front Squat @3232 tempo
5 PVC Jerk Grip Lift off

Skill / Technique

A. 3-Position Pause Clean Deadlift - 3 reps every 2:30 x 4 sets
*Pause for 1 sec @ each position (2" off ground, knee, mid thigh)
B. Tempo Clean Pull - 2 reps every 2:30 x 4 sets
*3 second tempo on the way up. Only speed up for extension when past mid thigh

Total Time: 20-25 minutes

**Attached Video:
Coaching Cues - 3-Position Pause Deadlift/Pulls - https://youtu.be/c8hrvPA7Kuc

STrength / Access.

C. Pause Power Clean + Jerk - 3 reps every 3:00 x 4 sets
*Pause for 2 sec @ knee on the way up. Drop and reset after each jerk. Jerk can be any style - we will start working on jerk technique next week
EMOM x 6-8
Min 1 - Russian KB Swing x 10 reps @ heavy load
*Focus on using the hips/glutes, keep the arms loose
Min 2 - Prone Banded Hamstring Curls x 10-15 reps

Total time: 20-25 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The pause clean deadlift is a great way to train a consistent bar path and lat activation.
- Focus on keeping the bar close to the body and keeping the shoulders over the bar until the final extension.
- See the attached video for a further breakdown of the drill.
- The tempo clean deadlift will have the same focus as the pause clean deadlift while removing the pauses.

Strength Notes:
- We are keeping a pause while moving through the clean and jerk to continue to reinforce pull mechanics in the clean.
- The jerk can be performed in any style this week as we will start working on the split jerk next week.
- The EMOM should be performed as additional accessory work for the posterior chain.

Week 2 // day 1


2 sets
15 PVC Passthroughs
5/side Reverse Samson Lunges
10 Strict Press (PVC or Empty Bar)
5 BTN Sotts Press (PVC)
2 sets x 6-8 reps each movement:
- BTN Elbow Pumps
- BTN Strict Press in Jerk Grip
- Push Press
- Push Jerk
- Pressing Split Jerk
- Split Jerk

Skill / Technique

A. Canella Cross - 1 rep every :20 x 10 - Step feet only
B. Canella Cross - 1 rep every :20 x 10 - Jump feet only
C. Canella Cross - 1 rep every :20 x 10 - Jump feet + move arms (no bar)
D. Double Pause Split Jerk - 3 reps every 2:00 x 5 sets
**Light load - start with empty bar if needed. Pause for 2 seconds in dip before jerk and 2 seconds in split stance before recovery

Total Time: 20-30 minutes

**Attached Videos:
Canella Cross Drills - https://youtu.be/QIUyJVyoj04

STrength / Access.

E. OHS - 3 reps every 2:00 x 4 sets @ 2111 tempo
*RPE7-8 across
Every :90 x 6 sets (alt. 3 each)
F1. Split Stance DB Strict Press x 8-10 reps

F2. Double DB OH Carry x 50ft

Total Time: 17-20 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The Canella Cross is a drill focused on dialing in the footwork of the split jerk.
- Start by stepping the feet rather than jumping to build consistency.
- As members gain comfort they can increase their speed and add the jump as the drills progress.
- The double pause split jerk should be light today with a high emphasis on movement and technique.
- Pause in the dip for 2 seconds then also for 2 seconds in the split position.

Strength Notes:
- We are using the OHS today to build strength and comfort in the position.
- Those who are comfortable in the position can go heavier (RPE7-8) as long as they maintain the tempo.
- The split stance strict press and OH Carry will help build strength and stability in the shoulders.

Week 2 // DAY 2


2 sets:
10 reps/side Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
10 BB Kang Squats
1 BTN Overhead Complex: 3 strict press + 3 push press + 3 split jerk
4 Tempo Front Squat @ 3333
3-Position Clean & Jerk: 1 at mid thigh, 1 at knee 1 at 2" off ground


Skill / Technique

A. Tall Clean Pull under - 2 reps every 2:00 x 5 sets
*building from empty bar to tough set @ RPE8
B. Squat Clean + Split Jerk - 2 reps every 3:00 x 5 sets
*Drop and reset. All reps @ 75-80% or RPE7-8

Total Time: 25-30 minutes

STrength / Access.

C. High Hang Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch - (1+1) reps every :90 x 6
*60-70% or RPE6-7 across with a focus on speed and technique in pulling under the bar
EMOM x 8
Min 1 - :10 Snatch Grip Pin Pull - Hard contraction, bar @ knee height
Min 2 - Seated Box Jumps x 3 reps - reset between

Total Time: 17-20 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The tall clean pull under will follow the same cues that we used last week with the tall snatch.
- Focus on keeping connection with the bar during the turnover and build across sets as long as technique is good.
- The clean and jerks are meant to be moderate to heavy to build strength and consistency in the lift.

Strength Notes:
- We are continuing to use the high hang snatch to reinforce the drills we performed last week.
- We are adding the hang snatch this week to start to move down the leg through a portion of the pull.
- The pin pull and box jumps are meant to increase power and explosiveness in the legs and back

Week 3 // DAY 1


3 Sets
1:00 Machine of choice
5/side Squat + Sky reach
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
5 Hip Muscle Snatch
5 Drop Squats

Skill / Technique

A. Tall Snatch Pull under - 2 reps every :90 x 4 sets
*Goal to build on session from 2 weeks ago as confidence grows
B. Hang No Contact Power Snatch - 1 rep EMOM x 8
*Moderate load across with a focus on keeping the bar as close to the body as possible without making contact at the hips

Total Time: 15-20 minutes

**Attached Video:
Coaching Cues - No Contact Snatch - https://youtu.be/QFYDGrV99pQ

STrength / Accessory

C. Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch - (1+1) every 2:00 x 8 sets
*Start @ light load and build on feel. Will be limited by muscle snatch - stay submaximal to ensure good mechanics
Every :90 x 8 sets (alt. 4 each)
D1. Hang Snatch Pulls x 3 reps @ 85-90% of snatch (RPE8)

D2. Single arm DB High Pull x 6-8/side

Total Time: 28-30 minutes


Skill Notes:
- We are starting with the tall snatch again this week to build on the session from 2 weeks ago.
- The no contact power snatch is a drill designed to help train a smooth bar path and a vertical hip rive.
- See the attached video for a further breakdown of the skill

Strength Notes:
- The snatch complex is meant to be done at a submaximal effort to work on speed and power in the turnover.
- Focus on the strong vertical hip extension that we built during the no contact drills.
- The hang snatch pulls should be on the heavier side to build strength in the hip extension.
- The high pulls will help build strength in the internally rotated shoulder position

week 3 // DAY 2


2 sets:
:30/side PVC Front Rack Stretch
:20/side Groiner Stretch
5/side Cossack Squat
5 PVC Tempo Front Squat @3232 tempo
5 3-Position Pause Clean Deadlift (empty bar)

Skill / Technique

A. Floating Halting Clean Deadlifts - 4 reps every 2:00 x 4 sets
**Focus on lat engagement and a strong core brace. Use straps if available
B. Hang Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean - (2+1) reps every 2:00 x 4 sets
**light to moderate load across - use this as a technique primer for "C"

Total Time: 16-20 minutes

STrength / Access.

C. Hang Squat Clean - 1.1 reps every 2:30 x 5 sets
*Start @ ~65% (RPE6) and build each set to ~80% (RPE8)
*Drop and reset between reps

D. Front Squat - 5,5,3,3,3 - New set every 2:30
*5s @ 80%, 3s @ 83-88% (build RPE8 to RPE9)

Total Time: 25-30 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The floating halting clean deadlifts will reinforce lat engagement to keep the bar close to the body.
- Focus on the same cues we used during the pause and tempo clean deadlifts to keep the torso straight and the hips and shoulder rising at the same time.
- The hang clean pulls will help reinforce a vertical hip drive and bar path before moving through the hang squat clean.
- Keep the load moderate on these cleans to work on technique and allow the main building to come in "C"

Strength Notes:
- Continue to build on "B" to a moderate to heavy load around 80%.
- Drop and reset between reps to allow for the highest focus on technique.
- On the front squats start with the 5s at the same loading before building for the 3s.

Week 4 // day 1


2 sets
15 PVC Passthroughs
5/side Reverse Samson Lunges
10 Strict Press (PVC or Empty Bar)
5 Hang Muscle Cleans (PVC or Empty Bar)
Canella Cross Drill - https://youtu.be/QIUyJVyoj04
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Step feet only
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Jump feet only
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Jump feet + move arms (no bar)

Skill / Technique

A. Tall Split Jerk - 2 reps EMOM x 6
**Focus on speed and consistency with footwork
B. BTN Split Jerk - 1 rep EMOM x 10
**Start @ 50-60% of jerk and build on feel to RPE8/10

Total Time: 16-20 minutes

Coaching Cues - Tall Split Jerks

STrength / Access.

C. Power Clean - 2,2,2,1,1,1 @ 75,78,80,83,85,85%
*New set every 2:00 - Drop and reset between reps
EMOM x 8
Min 1 - Broad Jumps x 3 reps
*Reset between
Min 2 - Rotational Medball Throw x 3/side

Total Time: 20-24 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The tall split jerk will help drill pressing under the bar and landing in a consistent split stance.
- See the attached video for a further breakdown of the skill.
- The behind the neck jerks are meant to help reinforce a more vertical torso position while pushing the head through to finish the jerk. Both of these things are easier to do when the bar is loading on the back rack.

Strength Notes:
- The power cleans are strength focused today.
- Drop and reset between 2s.
- Build across sets. The top singles should be RPE8-9.
- The broad jumps and rotational throws will help build power and explosiveness.

Week 4 // DAY 2


2 sets:
10 reps/side Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
10 BB Kang Squats
1 BTN Overhead Complex: 3 strict press + 3 push press + 3 split jerk
4 Tempo Front Squat @ 3333
3 Position Clean: 1 at mid thigh, 1 at knee 1 at 2" off ground

Snatch Prep (after strength)
1 Set x 6 reps each of the following movements:
-Snatch Grip RDL's
-Snatch Grip Deadlifts
-Hang Snatch Shrugs
-Hang Muscle Snatch
-Heaving Snatch Balance
-Overhead Squats
-Hang Squat Snatch
-Squat Snatch

Skill / Technique

A. Below Knee Clean Pull + Below Knee Squat Clean - (2+1) every 2:30 x 5 sets
*Focus on consistency in bar path between the clean pull and the clean.
Start @ 65-70% and build to a heavy technical complex

Total Time: 13-17 minutes

STrength / Access.

B. Snatch Lift off x Squat Snatch - (1+1) every 2:00 x 5 sets
**Moderate load across focused on technique - stay between 65-75% on all reps (RPE6-7)
Every :90 x 8 sets (alt. 4 each)
C1. Rear Foot elevated DB RDL + Split Squat x 5 reps/side
*1 rep = 1 RDL + 1 SS
C2. Sumo Stance Banded Pullthrough x 8-10 reps

Total Time: 22-25 minutes


Skill Notes:
- Because we are working on both lifts today there is more down time built in to warm up and prep for both the clean and snatch
- We are continuing to move further down in the pull this week to keep the focus on consistency in the pull.
- Members should build across sets to a heavy complex as long as they remain technically sound.

Strength Notes:
- The snatch lift off will help build consistency in the initial pull off the ground. Focus on a straight back position and ensure members are raising the hips and shoulders at the same time.
- Keep loads moderate today across all sets to keep the focus on technique.
- The accessory movements are meant to build strength in the legs and posterior chain.

Week 5 // DAY 1


3 Sets
1:00 Machine of choice
5/side Squat + Sky reach
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
5 Hip Muscle Snatch
5 Drop Squats

Skill / Technique

A. Progressive depth Snatch - 3 reps every 3:00 x 4 sets
*Within each triple - receive each rep at a progressively lower depth. Rep 1 @ above parallel, rep 2 @ parallel, rep 3 @ below parallel
**Stay lighter and focus on technique. Focus on meeting the bar at your depth for each

Total Time: 12-15 minutes

STrength / Accessory

B. Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch - (1+1) every 2:00 x 6 sets
**Increase load each set to a max complex for the day. Drop and reset between reps
EMOM x 12
Min 1 - Front foot elevated ATG Split Squat x 6/side
Min 2 - Band assisted Natural Knee extensions x 4-6 reps
Min 3 - Banded Monster Walks x 20/direction

Total Time: 24-28 minutes


Skill Notes:
- Each snatch should be received at a different position.
- This will help members learn how to "meet the bar" to keep consistent technique regardless of whether they are performing a power or squat snatch.

Strength Notes:
- Build to a max complex today as long as technique is sound.
- Drop and reset after the hang snatch.
- The accessories are meant to build strength in and stability in the knees and hips.

week 5 // DAY 2


2 sets:
:30/side PVC Front Rack Stretch
:20/side Groiner Stretch
5/side Cossack Squat
5 PVC Tempo Front Squat @3232 tempo
1 sets of 6 reps of the following movements:
-Hang Clean Shrugs
-Hang Muscle Cleans
-Front Rack Elbow Pumps
-Hang Power Cleans
-Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
-Front Squats
-Clean Pull Unders
-Power Cleans
-Squat Cleans

Skill / Technique

A. Hang Squat Clean + Below Knee Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean - (1+1+1) every 3:00 x 6 sets
*Building to a max complex for the day. Drop and reset after each rep.
**Focus on consistency in pull mechanics

Total Time: 18-22 minutes

STrength / Access.

B. Pause Clean Pull - 2 reps every 2:00 x 5 sets @ 85-95% of clean
*Pause for 1 sec @ knee on each rep
**Reset between reps - straps allowed
Every 2:00 x 5 sets
:08 Iso Clean Pin Pull
10-12 Heels elevated Goblet Squats

Total Time: 20-24 minutes


Skill Notes:
- We are building to a max of a clean complex that hits all positions of the pull.
- This will help members build consistency in their pull and identify any parts of the pull that they still struggle with in their technique.

Strength Notes:
- The clean pulls should be heavy but should allow for a strong pull position throughout.
- The pause will help members remember to keep the bar close to the body and the lats active.
- The accessories will help build strength in the posterior chain and legs

Week 6 // day 1


2 sets
15 PVC Passthroughs
5/side Reverse Samson Lunges
10 Strict Press (PVC or Empty Bar)
5 Hang Muscle Cleans (PVC or Empty Bar)
Canella Cross Drill - https://youtu.be/QIUyJVyoj04
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Step feet only
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Jump feet only
- 1 rep every :20 x 5 - Jump feet + move arms (no bar)

Skill / Technique

A. Jerk Dip + Split Jerk - (2+1) EMOM x 6
*Focus on straight torso position. Light loads across (no more than 60% of jerk)

B. Power Clean + Pause Split Jerk - (1+2) every 2:00 x 6 sets
*pause for 1 sec in dip of each split jerk
Technical loads across - RPE6-7

Coaching Cues - Jerk Dips

Total Time: 18-22 minutes

STrength / Access.

E. OHS - 4 reps every 2:00 x 4 sets
*RPE8 across
Every :90 x 6 sets (alt. 3 each)
F1. Split Stance DB Strict Press x 6-8 reps

F2. Single DB OH Carry x 50ft/side

Total Time: 17-20 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The jerk dip should be focused on maintaining a strong vertical dip and drive position. This will carry over to help with technique on the split jerk.
- Keep the loads lighter for the first complex to keep the focus on technique
- The power clean and jerks should be slightly heavier but should still keep that strong focus on technique

Strength Notes:
- The OHS today should be heavier but a weight that can be maintained across all 4 sets.
- The split stance strict press and OH Carry will help build strength and stability in the shoulders.

Week 6 // DAY 2


2 sets:
10 reps/side Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
8-10 reps BB Kang Squats
8-10 reps BTN Snatch Grip Push Presses
2 reps Tempo OHS @ 3333
1 rep 3 Position Snatch: 1 at mid thigh, 1 at knee 1 at 2"" off ground
Rest as needed, then repeat
C&J Prep (after strength)
1 Set x 6 reps each of the following movements:
-Clean Grip RDL's
-Clean Grip Deadlifts
-Hang Clean Shrugs
-Hang Muscle Clean
-Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
-Front Squats
-Clean Pull Unders
-Hang Power Clean + Push Press
-Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk
-Power Clean + Split Jerk
-Squat Clean + Split Jerk

Skill / Technique

A. Hang Squat Snatch - 1 rep EMOM x 8
*Starting @ 65% and building to a tough single

Total Time: 8-12 minutes

STrength / Access.

B. Squat Clean & Split Jerk - 1 rep every 2:00 x 6 sets @ 70,74,78,82,86,88-90%
*If you don't know your % start @ RPE6 and build to RPE9
Every :90 x 8 (alt. 4 sets each)
C1. Snatch Grip RDL x 4-6 reps @ 2111 tempo
*Straps allowed

C2. Goblet Banded Spanish Squats x 12-15 reps

Total Time: 24-30 minutes


Skill Notes:
- Because we are working on both lifts today there is more down time built in to warm up and prep for both the clean and snatch
- We are continuing to move further down in the pull this week to keep the focus on consistency in the pull.
- Members should build across sets to a heavy complex as long as they remain technically sound.

Strength Notes:
- The snatch lift off will help build consistency in the initial pull off the ground. Focus on a straight back position and ensure members are raising the hips and shoulders at the same time.
- Keep loads moderate today across all sets to keep the focus on technique.
- The accessory movements are meant to build strength in the legs and posterior chain.

Week 7 // DAY 1


3 Sets
1:00 Machine of choice
5/side Squat + Sky reach
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
5 Hip Muscle Snatch
5 Drop Squats

Skill / Technique

A. Tall Snatch Pull under - 1 rep every :30 x 6 @ empty bar
*Goal is to review and get additional skill prep here
B. High Hang Hip Squat Snatch - 1 rep EMOM x 6
*Build slightly across sets ending around RPE6. Should be used as additional prep/warm up for C.

Total Time: 9-12 minutes

**Attached Video:
Coaching Cues - Tall Pull Unders - https://youtu.be/PtNwEQSruvg

STrength / Accessory

C. Squat Snatch - 2,2,2,1,1,1 @ 68,72,76,80,84,88-90%
*New set every 2:30
Drop and reset between reps.
D. Snatch Pull - 2 reps every 2:00 x 5 sets @ 90-95% or RPE8-9
*Reset between reps

Total Time: 25-30 minutes


Skill Notes:
- We are returning to the tall snatch pull under to review the technical cues we started with at the beginning of this cycle.
- The hip squat snatch will allow members to move a moderate load to reinforce that technique before the heavier lifts for the day.
- Treat the high hang hip snatch as a warm up/prep for "C"

Strength Notes:
- The squat snatch is building today.
- Drop and reset between reps on the 2s.
- The top single should be heavy but submaximal today.
- The snatch pulls should also be heavy but should allow for a technical pull and strong hip extension.

week 7 // DAY 2


2 sets:
:30/side PVC Front Rack Stretch
:20/side Groiner Stretch
5/side Cossack Squat
5 PVC Tempo Front Squat @3232 tempo
5 PVC Jerk Grip Lift off

Skill / Technique

A. 3-Position Pause Clean Pull - 2 reps every 2:00 x 4 sets
*Pause for 1 sec @ each position (2" off ground, knee, mid thigh)
*Use this as a primer for B - keep the weights moderate

Total Time: 8-10 minutes

**Attached Video:
Coaching Cues - 3-Position Pause Deadlift/Pulls - https://youtu.be/c8hrvPA7Kuc

STrength / Access.

B. Squat Clean - 1 rep every 2:00 x 7
*Start @ 70% and build to a tough single @ RPE9
C. Front Squat + Split Jerk - (2+1) every 2:00 x 4
RPE8 across all sets (minimal building)

Total Time: 22-30 minutes


Skill Notes:
- We are progressing on our 3 position clean deadlift today by making it a 3 position clean pull.
- The pauses and set up should all be the same as with the deadlift but this time we are focusing on a strong hip extension at the top.
- Keep weights moderate today to use this as a primer for "B"

Strength Notes:
- The squat clean should be heavy today but submaximal.
- The goal of this session is to build confidence with some heavier loads before our test day next week.
- The front squat and split jerk complex will help work on the split jerk under leg fatigue today.
- Keep the weights consistent across sets with minimal building.

Week 8 // day 1


2 sets
15 PVC Passthroughs
5/side Reverse Samson Lunges
10 RDLs
10 Strict Press (PVC or Empty Bar)
5 BTN Sotts Press (PVC)

Skill / Technique

A. Hang Squat Snatch - 1 rep EMOM x 6
*RPE6-7 across - focusing on consistency in technique
B. Squat Clean & Split Jerk - 1 rep EMOM x 6
*RPE6-7 across - focusing on consistency in technique

Total Time: 12-16 minutes

STrength / Access.

C. OHS - 5 reps every 2:00 x 5 sets @ RPE6-7 across
*Minimal building
D. Tempo Clean Pull - 2 reps every :90 x 4 @ RPE6-7 across
*3 second tempo on the way up. Only speed up when past mid-thigh

Total Time: 16-20 minutes


Skill Notes:
- The goal of both of these EMOMs is ro keep the weights lighter and focus on technique.
- This should be a back off day as we prepare for testing in our next session.

Strength Notes:
- The OHS should be slightly above moderate today with similar weights across all sets.
- The tempo clean pull will help reinforce positions in the pull at a moderate load before testing next week.

Week 8 // day 2


2 sets:
10 reps/side Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
8-10 reps BB Kang Squats
8-10 reps BTN Snatch Grip Push Presses
2 reps Tempo OHS @ 3333
1 rep 3 Position Snatch: 1 at mid thigh, 1 at knee 1 at 2"" off ground
Rest as needed, then repeat
C&J Prep (after snatch)
1 Set x 6 reps each of the following movements:
-Clean Grip RDL's
-Clean Grip Deadlifts
-Hang Clean Shrugs
-Hang Muscle Clean
-Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks
-Front Squats
-Clean Pull Unders
-Hang Power Clean + Push Press
-Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk
-Power Clean + Split Jerk
-Squat Clean + Split Jerk

STrength / Access.

A. Squat Snatch - 15 minutes to build to heavy single with good technique
B. Squat Clean and Jerk - 15 minutes to build to heavy single with good technique

Total Time: 30-35 minutes


Skill Notes:
- None

Strength Notes:
- Max out day!
- As long as coaches feel that members have good enough technique today is meant to be a build up to a heavy single for both lifts.
- Allow members to have a full 15 minutes to build up on each lift.
- Take the time to work through the clean and jerk warm up after the snatch is complete to help transition members to the new lift