Bar muscle-ups
2 sets
12-15 Band Pull aparts
10-12/side Banded Shoulder External Rotation
20 Banded Passthroughs
10 Banded Straight Arm Pull downs
4-6/direction Hanging Scapular Rotations
2 sets of each as needed
10-12 Ring Rows; 10-12 reps
4-6 Strict Pull-ups / Banded Strict Pull ups
6-10 Low to High Magnitude Kip Swings
Skill / Technique
Bar Muscle Up Swing Technique Drills:
Every :20 x 10 sets - 1 Jump to pike
Every :20 x 10 sets - 1 Tight and patient arch
Every :20 x 10 sets - 1 Toes rise (spot them)
Every :20 x 10 sets - 1 Hip drive + press down on bar w/ straight arms
*Before each new movement spend 2-4 minutes going over the next step and how it builds on the previous step.
Total time: 30-32 min
**Attached Videos
Gymnastics Positions -
Step 1 -
Step 2 -
Step 3 -
Step 4 -
STrength / Accessory
Every 2:00 x 6 sets (alt. 3 sets each)
A1. "Belly-to-bar" press x 8-10 reps + :20 Hollow Body Hold
A2. Straight arm banded lat pulldowns x 10-12 reps + :20 Arch Body Hold
**Belly to Bar Press
Total Time: 12 min
Skill Notes:
- The majority of the first day will be spent going over the swing steps for bar muscle ups.
- Use the video resources to learn what points of performance we are looking for on each step.
- The flow of this day is meant to allow coaches to teach one step at a time and really take the time for members to practice each step before moving on.
- While members are performing each step make sure to continue to give feedback and make corrections in the moment to continue to dial in the skill.
- This is the basis of learning BMU and we will spend a lot of time on these steps over the next few weeks.
Strength Notes:
- We are focusing on building straight arm lat strength which works the lats in a different way than we normally see with things like strict pull ups or rows.
- This type of strength is necessary for the turnover of the BMU.
- We are also adding additional isometric core work to ensure that members can start to build strength in the hollow and arch positions.
3 sets:
:30-45 Feet Supported Global Extension Hold
5/side Standing Controlled Shoulder Joint Rotations: 5 reps/side
5 Hanging Arch to Hollow Body Positions - 1 sec pause in each position
4-6 Hinging Ring Rows
Skill / Technique
BMU Swing step review - 7 min
Every :20 x 3 - 1 Jump to Pike
Rest 1:00
Every :20 x 3 sets - 1 Tight and patient arch
Rest 1:00
Every :20 x 3 sets - 1 Toes rise (spot them)
Rest 1:00
Every :20 x 3 sets - 1 Hip drive + press down on bar w/ straight arms
Turnover drills - 15 min
Every :90 x 10 sets (alt. 5 sets of each)
Odd set: 2-3 High Bar Box Turnovers
**Goal to get arms as straight as possible as soon as possible
Even: 2-3 reps x Swing Step 4 - Hip Drive + Press down on bar
Total time: 22-30min
**High Bar Turnovers
STrength / Access.
EMOM x 16
Min 1 - Belly to Bar press x AMRAP in :30
Min 2 - Seated Straight arm Pressdowns x AMRAP in :30
Min 3 - Hollow to Arch rolls x AMRAP in :30
Min 4 - Rest
**Seated Straight arm Pressdowns
Total Time: 16 min
Skill Notes:
- We are going to take some time to go over the swing steps again this week.
- Coaches should not need as much time as last week to go into extreme detail, but take the time to review important points and allow members to get the practice in.
- Afterward we will continue to work on step 4 of the swing steps in order to practice putting all the steps together. We will pair this with some high bar turnovers to start working the transition.
- The high bar turnovers are are focused on getting the arms straight quickly in order to press out of the dip.
Strength Notes:
- We are again using the belly to bar press to build some pressdown strength in the lats.
- The seated pressdowns are meant to imitate the transition at the top of the muscle up to help members learn to pull the bar to their hips and extend the arms quickly.
- The hollow to arch rolls will help build core stability and control
2 sets
12-15 Band Pull aparts
10-12/side Banded Shoulder External Rotation
20 Banded Passthroughs
10 Banded Straight Arm Pull downs
4-6/direction Hanging Scapular Rotations
BMU Swing Steps - perform 4 reps @ each step
1. Jump to hollow
2. Tight and patient arch
3. Toes rise (spot them)
4. Hip drive + press down on bar w/ straight arms
Skill / Technique
Turnover Drills - 12 min
Every :90 x 8 sets (alt. 4 sets each)
Odd sets: 3-4 High Bar box turnovers
Even sets: 2-4 Hollow Rock to Floor Sit-Up
Top to bottom - 10 min
EMOM x 10
1 "Top to bottom rep" for quality
*Use a box to jump to the support position of the BMU. Work on falling back into the same position that you create when you 'jump to hollow.' To accompish this, 'fall away' from the bar at the top into an "L" position with your legs. Fall into the 'patient arch' position with tight legs in the arch.
Total time - 22-26min
**Top to Bottom
STrength / Access.
Every 2:00 x 4 sets
6-10 Seated Straight arm Pressdowns
8-12 Hollow Body PVC Straight arm banded pulldowns
Every 2:00 x 5 sets
Perform 1 complex with the goal of staying unbroken:
5 V-ups + 10 hollow body rocks + 2 hollow to arch rolls + 10 arch body rocks
Total Time: 18 min
Skill Notes:
- We are starting today with an emphasis on the turnover.
- The high bar box turnovers are the same as last week to build consistency and practice.
- The hollow rock to floor sit up with help members build some speed and power in the turnover of the uppor body by using the core for momentum.
- We are also starting to work into "top to bottom" reps this week.
- The goal of this drill is to teach members how to come down from the top of the bar in order to help learn how to eventually string multiple reps together.
- When lowering down we want members to try to hit the same positions that they would hit in the swing steps in order to keep all reps consistent.
Strength Notes:
- Today we are focused on core stability and strength.
- We are still working the straight arm pressdowns, but we are pairing it with a hollow body lat pulldown to add an additional core stability stimulus.
- The core complex should be completed with a goal of staying unbroken for as long as possible.
3 sets:
:30-45 Feet Supported Global Extension Hold
5/side Standing Controlled Shoulder Joint Rotations: 5 reps/side
5 Hanging Arch to Hollow Body Positions - 1 sec pause in each position
4-6 Hinging Ring Rows
Skill / Technique
BMU Swing Steps - 8-12 min
Every :20 x 6 sets - 1 Jump to pike
Every :20 x 6 sets - 1 Tight and patient arch
Every :20 x 6 sets - 1 Toes rise (spot them)
Every :20 x 6 sets - 1 Hip drive + press down on bar w/ straight arms
*deeper dive again to review. Good time to review to make sure we arent forgetting the basics
Gymnastics Positions -
Step 1 -
Step 2 -
Step 3 -
Step 4 -
EMOM x 8
1 Top to bottom rep into the toe rise for quality
EMOM x 8
1 Top to bottom rep into the hip drive + press down for quality
Total Time: 26-32 min
STrength / Access.
Every :75 x 8 sets (10 min)
1 High bar turnovers + 2-4 bar dips w/ leg swing kip
*work on rotating wrists over the bar and getting arms straight as soon as possible
Every :90 x 6 sets (alt. 3 each)
Odd sets: 3-5 Strict Lean Away Pull-Ups @ 40A1
* "A" means using jump up assistance
Even Sets: 8/side Seated Elbow on Knee Banded Bicep Curls
Total Time: 20 min
Skill Notes:
- We are taking some extra time this week to review the swing steps.
- We want to ensure that members are still hitting positions consistently and not falling into any bad habits as we have been focusing on other aspects.
- We are also progressing the top to bottom reps by adding additional steps after lowering from the bar.
- We want members to learn how to initiate the swing steps again so that they can transition to stringing multiple muscle ups together.
Strength Notes:
- This week we have dips added on to our high bar turnover drills. This is meant to build strength and coordination in the turnover.
- The remaining work is meant to focus on pure upper body pulling strength in a high time under tension.
- The band on the curls will give variable resistance that increases at the top of each rep.
2 sets
12-15 Band Pull aparts
10-12/side Banded Shoulder External Rotation
20 Banded Passthroughs
10 Banded Straight Arm Pull downs
4-6/direction Hanging Scapular Rotations
BMU Swing Steps - perform 4 reps @ each step
1. Jump to hollow
2. Tight and patient arch
3. Toes rise (spot them)
4. Hip drive + press down on bar w/ straight arms
Skill / Technique
EMOM x 8
1 Top to bottom rep into the hip drive + press down for quality
20 min Accumulating reps of Spotted or Banded BMU
*Goal to accumulate at least 10 reps in this time frame
Total Time: 30-35 min
How to Spot a BMU
STrength / Access.
Every :90 x 9 sets (alt. 3 each)
A1. 6-8 Band resisted barbell bent over row w/ 3 sec neg
A2. 8-10 Wide Grip Feet Assisted Pull-Ups @ 2011 tempo
A3. 4-6 Hollow Rock to Floor Sit-Up
Total Time: 14 min
Skill Notes:
- We will start with some time spent on the top to bottom drills.
- Adjust whether members are focusing on hitting the arch, toe rise, or hip extension steps based on their skill level.
- The remaining time for the skill work should be spent on accumulating reps of banded or spotted muscle ups.
- Ensure that members are focusing on the same swing mechanics but provide assistance in transitioning over the bar.
Strength Notes:
- We have less emphasis on strength today as we want most of them time spent on accumulating quality reps.
- The band resisted rows and pull ups will focus on building lat strength while the hollow rock to floor sit up will continue to work on speed to assist in the turnover.
3 sets:
:30-45 Feet Supported Global Extension Hold
5/side Standing Controlled Shoulder Joint Rotations: 5 reps/side
5 Hanging Arch to Hollow Body Positions - 1 sec pause in each position
4-6 Hinging Ring Rows
Skill / Technique
40 min Clock:
Accumulate reps of
Spotted BMU
Banded BMU
Unspotted BMU
Total Time: 40 min
How to Spot a BMU
STrength / Access.
EMOM x 9:
Min 1: 20 sec AMRAP Hollow Body Rocks
Min 2: 20 sec AMRAP Arch Body Rocks
Min 3: 20 sec Pronated Chin Over Bar Hold - feet assistance as needed for all 20 seconds unbroken
*Be disciplined with positions!
Total Time: 9 min
Skill Notes:
- This entire session should be spent accumulating reps on BMU if possible.
- Start members with using a spotter and progress them to banded and unassisted BMU if able.
- We want this to take up the large majority of class for today
Strength Notes:
- We are ending off our strength pieces with some isometric work for both the core and upper body.