What paths are a part of the COMPETE package?
The Elite | Peak for Semifinals division is designed for Games & Semifinal level athletes who can train multiple times per day for competition and plan to peak for either the semifinals or games.
The RX Path is built for athletes who are highly competent in all the skills of the sport. This athlete has goals of pursuing the top 1% in the Open to advance to in-affiliate semi-finals, preparing for in-person competitions, and tackling competitive qualifiers. Also included in RX is a reduced volume/intensity variety for those who are short on time.
The Masters | Peak for The AGOQ division is pretty clearly built for the wisest athletes among us. Those who simultaneously refuse and embrace the aging process. Our year revolves around maximizing your ability to compete during the age group qualifier.
The Intermediate Path helps athletes develop the skills and strength needed to pursue RX-level competitions, progress into the RX path, and perform their best in the Open.
The Beginner Path is for those who are just getting into the sport of crossfit but have the desire to compete at any level. This program is a 12 week program that will focus on building foundational strength, gymnastics skills, and endurance so the athlete can then graduate into one of our other competitive divisions.
What should I do for substitutions and scaling?
If you’re following the correct division, there shouldn’t be an excessive need for scaling. However, there are three common reasons that people may require scaling adjustments for:
You are unable to perform the weight listed for a specific movement.
Solution: Lower the weight to a load that you can execute the movement with technical proficiency so that you can safely try to get the 'intention' of that training session.There is a movement that is beyond your specific skill set. (example: handstand walk)
Solution: Ask a question in the water cooler of that training day as early in the week as you can so a TTT coach can provide alternatives to help you select a movement that gets a training response similar to what was intended for the training group.You may not have the equipment needed for the prescribed workout. Solution: As mentioned above, you can ask a question in the water cooler of that training day so a TTT coach can provide alternatives to help select a movement that will work with the equipment you have.
If you have a major weakness and need additional work on any specific movement, remember you can always hire a TTT coach in a consulting format or as a coach to help you refine that specific skill before coming back to the program.
How do I warm-up?
How to peak and taper for a competition?
How do I schedule my rest days?
All of our training paths have Thursdays and Sundays as rest days. If you still want to train five days per week and your rest days don’t line up with that you can adjust it in a variety of ways. Here are two examples:
5 days in a row of training with two days off. This might be an example for someone who needs their weekends free from training.
Mon-Fri ON, Sat/Sun Rest/recover
1 day on - 1 day off - 4 days on - 1 day off. This might be for someone on shift work.
Fri/Sun OFF, Mon-Thu/Sat ON
Tue/Thu OFF, Fri-Mon/Wed ON
You can adjust however you’d like. If you are going to adjust, be mindful that performing 5 straight days or 4 straight days is more than the rest of the community. We use the training results and adjust training relative to how the group responds. We advise you to be thoughtful about how you feel and be honest about if you are doing too much, too many days in a row. If you need an extra rest day, take it.
A/B/C versus A1/A2/A3?
Below are two program examples to help you better understand how to move through your program design.
Example 1.
A. Squat Clean; 5 singles @ 85%; rest 2min
B. Back Squat; 5x5; rest 2min
C. Russian Step-ups; 8-10 reps/leg x 3 sets; rest 1min bw legs
In this example you move through exercise ‘A’ at the prescribed tempo, for the prescribed number reps, you then rest for the prescribed amount of time after the set is completed. For the example above that would mean you do one squat clean, then rest exactly 2 minutes before doing your second single. Once you have completed all of part ‘A’, you then will move on to part ‘B’. As you did for part ‘A’, you will move through part B at the prescribed tempo, for the prescribed number of reps, then rest for the prescribed time until you have completed all of your sets before moving on to part ‘C’. You would continue to move through the workout in this pattern until all part have been completed.
A1. Close Grip Bench Press; 4 sets x 12 reps; rest 1min
A2. Strict TTB; 4 sets x 12 reps; rest 2min
B1. Weighted Vest Ring Row; 4 sets x 8-10 reps; rest 90 seconds
B2. Ring Dips, 4 sets x 12-15 reps, rest 90 seconds
In our second example, the athlete should move through exercise A1 at the prescribed tempo (if one is given), for the prescribed number of reps - in our case that would mean the athlete would do 12 reps of close grip bench without a tempo. The athlete then would rest for the prescribed time given, which would be exactly 1 minute. After the athlete has completed his/her 1 minute rest they should move on to ‘A2’, which in our example would mean they should do 10 strict Toes to Bar. Once they have completed 10 strict TTB, the athlete will then rest 2min before preceding back to A1. They will go through this sequence until they have completed the required number of sets for part ‘A’. Once the athlete has completed all 4 sets of part ‘A’ they will then move on to part ‘B’ and follow the prescribed tempo/reps/sets/order.
*Keep in mind that this style of workout could look like this with a variety of groupings: A1/A2/A3/A4 and so on. Nothing will change for the athlete, they should simply follow the prescribed design in the manner above.
What is tempo?
Every once in a while we will recommend performing exercises at a specific tempo. Tempo prescriptions will come in a series of four numbers representing the times in which it should take to complete four stages of the prescribed movement. In your program, the tempo prescription will follow the assigned movement, such as:
Back Squat @ 31x1 tempo; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 3 min bw sets
The First Number – The first number refers to the lowering/eccentric phase of the lift. Using the example above, the ‘3’ will represent the amount of time, in seconds, that it should take you to descend to the bottom of the squat. It is important to note that the first number will always refer to the lowering phase of the movement, even if the movement begins with the ascending portion, such as a pull-up or ring row.
The Second Number – The second number refers to the amount of time spent in the bottom position of the movement, the point at which you are static before transitioning between the eccentric and concentric portion of the movement. In the Back Squat example above, the ‘1’ means that the athlete should pause for 1 second at the bottom of the Squat before beginning their ascent.
The Third Number – The third number refers to ascending/concentric phase of the lift – in our example the time it should take you to get from the bottom of the squat back to the top. The ‘X’ in our above example signifies the athlete to ‘explode’ out of the bottom back to the top of the lift. Of course, there will be times where the athlete may not be moving fast, but it is the ‘intent’ to move at maximal speed that counts. In another example let’s say the tempo read Back Squat @ 3121, then the athlete would take 2 seconds to return to the top. *Along with ‘X’, you may also see other letters used for the third number: ‘A’ (stands for assisted in eccentric training), or ‘J’ (stands for jump, which is typically used for eccentric only pull ups).
The Fourth Number – The fourth number refers to how long the athlete should pause at the top of the lift. In our Back Squat example that would mean the athlete should pause for 1 second before moving into the next rep. Let’s say, though, that our prescription was as follows: Pull-up @ 21x2 tempo. This would mean that the athlete would then pause for 2 seconds above the pull-up before descending on a 2 second count back to the bottom of the lift.
How long should I rest before components of training?
As long as needed to feel adequately recovered from the previous piece but not so long that your training session drags on. Learning to move from one piece to another quickly is good for conditioning & to keep focus within the training session. If there is ever a specific amount of rest between exercises we will list it in the instructions. Otherwise always assume to rest as needed.
How much should I be sleeping?
Likely more than you are sleeping now. Multiple studies have shown that quality sleep for longer periods lead to better athletic performance. Most athletes are serious about their training and even more serious about their nutrition, but completely neglect their sleep cycles. Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential to your athletic performance by allowing you to properly recover from tough training bouts. The recommended amount of sleep for the normal population is typically 7-8 hours (keep in mind this is for someone that is not physically active). Those on a serious training regimen (anyone reading this) should be sleeping AT LEAST 8 hours a night, with a huge emphasis on AT LEAST. We highly recommend that you accumulate 9+ hours of sleep throughout your day so that you are properly recovering from bouts of tough training.
Here is a link to a sleep study for athletic performance:
*Side Note: naps can be a valuable way to improve your recovery between sessions. Napping just 15 minutes can result in an improvement in nervous system function and naps of 60min + can contribute to your total sleeping hours for the day. Keep in mind that naps are not a substitute for sleeping at night, but can be a great way to aid in recovery and can be VERY beneficial for those with multiple training sessions.
How should I manage my stress?
Excessive stress can be a difficult hurdle to overcome. Learning how to properly manage your stress is a vital part of your training and overall health. Below are a few recommended resources that can help you learn how to properly manage and overcome stress in your life.
A - Meditation resources:
*Meditation can be a great way to ease your stress and lower anxiety levels. Below are a few examples of meditation practices that you can try:
Guided meditation: Sometimes called guided imagery or visualization, with this method of meditation you form mental images of places or situations you find relaxing. You try to use as many senses as possible, such as smells, sights, sounds and textures. You may be led through this process by a guide or teacher.
Mantra meditation: In this type of meditation, you silently repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to prevent distracting thoughts. Mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment.
Mindfulness meditation: In this type of meditation, you broaden your conscious awareness. You focus on what you experience during meditation, such as the flow of your breath. You can observe your thoughts and emotions, but let them pass without judgment.
Feel Free to check out these, and other great meditation resources at the link below:
B- Book resources:
*The following is a list of recommended books that give insight into managing stress:
The Champion's Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive
Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most
Elite Minds: Creating the Competitive Advantage
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)
How do I learn my percentages of effort?
Often times the program will prescribe a certain percentage of effort to train at. For example, we may write: 3 sets @ 80% effort: 400m Run, 15 Kettle Bell Swings, 45 Double Unders. If this is the case, the coach is prescribing you that percentage based on your perceived exertion throughout the set. 80% does not mean 80% of the time it would take you to do the set at max effort, instead it is a simple guideline on what your perceived exertion level should be at. This can vary greatly between trained and untrained athletes and your 80% effort will continually change as you progress in your training design. Learning how to properly pace workouts and knowing how to stick to different percentage efforts is invaluable for the fitness athlete and will become an important part of your training.
What is a tough single versus a 1rm?
Often times we will prescribe you a “tough” single for the day. So what is the difference between a ‘tough’ or ‘heavy’ single and your 1RM? Your 1RM is your absolute best lift for the movement prescribed, while a ‘tough’ single for the day is going to be based on how you feel during that session, but you are typically not building to a 1RM. So, let’s say, the coach prescribes a ‘tough’ snatch single. If your 1RM for the snatch is 225lbs, you now know that as you build up you are not aiming to hit 225#, instead, based on where you are at for the day (how recovered you feel, the intensity of the rest of the session, etc.) you should work up to something that will create a tough training stress without draining your nervous system. In other words, if you work up to 210 lbs and miss the lift, you should call it for the day, instead of repeating the lift for 5 attempts just to tie your PR. With that said, a ‘tough’ single can sometimes be a PR attempt if you are feeling like the hulk that day and each attempt feels good leading up to that attempt.
How do I determine weight selection for a rep bracket?
Example: Back Squat; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 2min
When using a rep bracket the weight selected should enable the athlete to complete the prescribed number of reps. In the example above, if you can can only complete 5 reps the weight is too heavy and if you can complete more than 8 reps the weight is too light. The goal of the session should be to hit the highest rep range with maximal intensity. Let’s say, for example, you did your first set at 225lbs and you completed 8 reps, but the 8 reps was extremely tough; Then, on the next set, you could only complete 7 reps. Most likely this is the ideal weight selection for the rep bracket so long as you can complete your last two sets within the 6-8 rep bracket that was prescribed to you.
What is a cluster set?
Example: Back Squat Cluster; 2.2.2 x 4 sets; rest 20 seconds; rest 2min
Cluster training utilizes short, inter-set rest periods to allow the athlete to do more reps with a heavier load than what they would typically use for straight sets with the same volume. Following the example above; you should perform 2 back squats, rest 20 seconds, then do another 2 back squats, rest another 20 seconds, then do 2 more back squats to complete your 1st set. Once you have completed your first set you will then rest 2 minutes before starting your 2nd set where you will follow the same rep scheme and rest breaks as prescribed above. The built-in rest breaks should allow you to lift a heavier load than if your coach prescribed 6 reps x 4 sets of Back Squats.
Should I track my heart rate?
The best way to track your heart rate is to buy a reliable HR monitor that will track it for you doing your workouts. Garmin & Apple watches have proved to be accurate & consistent. Below are a few links to some of our most recommended HR monitors & straps for around the chest that hold up better in mixed training.
Garmin Premium HR Monitor:
Polar H7 Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Sensor:
Polar FT1 HR Monitor:
Polar has a free downloadable app for smart phones that works great with chest straps.
What does EN1/EN2/EN3 etc mean?
Throughout training progressions in the DGSN we may prescribe different heart rate zones to guide you in your training. While the coach will educate you on what each exertion level should feel like, you can also see the descriptions below to get a better understanding of what each means.
EN1 - 65-75% of Max Heart Rate - “Nose Breathing, Light Pace” - Very Low Effort - Training which improves an athlete's endurance capacity through long-duration, low-intensity continuous work and generally performed cyclically. The athlete's effort level should be at a low, conversational pace.
EN2 - 75-85% of Max Heart Rate - “Deep & Steady Breathing/Medium Effort” - 75-85% Effort - Training which improves an athlete's endurance capacity through long-duration, moderate-intensity continuous work and generally performed cyclically. The athlete’s effort level should be a moderate, but comfortable pace.
EN3 - 85-90% of Max Heart Rate - “Short Sentences/Fun Hard” - 85-90% Effort - Training which increases an athlete's ability to sustain maximal and submaximal training for longer durations. This type of training usually consists of medium to long duration intervals with short rest or medium duration continuous work at moderate to high intensities and can be performed cyclically or mixed. The athlete’s effort level should be at a moderate to high effort, but tolerable for the durations prescribed.
EN4/5 - 90-95% of Max Heart Rate - No Talking/Hard Effort - 90% Effort - Training which increases an athlete's sustainable power-output at sub-maximal effort levels. This type of training usually consists of short to medium duration intervals done at high intensities with short rest and can be performed cyclically or mixed. The athlete’s effort level should be at a high but still tolerable effort level.
EN6 - 95-100% of Max Heart Rate - No Talking/Really Hard - 95% to Max Effort - Training which increases an athlete's maximal oxygen consumption. This type of training usually consists of short to medium duration intervals done at a very high intensity with short to medium rest and can be performed cyclically or mixed, however it is most effective when performed cyclically.